11 Year Old Triplets at Bowling Alley – (Manipulating the Right One) – Pt. 4 Sex Story – Lonefun

#Incest #Threesome #Tween #Voyeur 8 hours ago

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By Famman Ted discovers Julie’s secret from her childhood. Jodi, Jamie and mom are enjoyed by Ted’s cock. Ted helps girls discover mom’s secret desires.

“Mom, I’m back,” Jamie announced, walking through the door.
Ted saw Julie enter from the kitchen. “Sorry it took so long, just forgot the time,” he said chuckling. “Hope I can still have dinner with you.”
“Its fine,” Julie replied, “Jodi and I are the only two here. I assumed it would take longer than you anticipated — with Jamie.”
Ted sensed something different in her voice.

“Can I help with anything,” Ted offered, his eyes roaming over her tits.
Julie smiled, seeing his eyes on her breasts. Abruptly she said, “Jamie and Jodi both seem to have enjoyed the time they spent with you.”
Ted noticed a nervous feeling in his body. Trying to lighten the mood, he replied, “People say if you’re around young people — it keeps you young.”
There seemed to be a long pause, then Julie finally said, “I’m glad you’ve paid special attention to Jodi. No one else ever does.”
“Special attention?” Ted asked, now very nervous.

Julie’s Family Fun
Julie gave a calming smile, “It’s OK Ted, you pay attention to Jodi – and now Jamie – the way my uncle — paid attention — to me, when I was younger than they are now.”
Ted was uncertain what was happening. He casually asked, “You had a favorite uncle?”
“Yes,” Julie said, “and his two sons, my older cousins. I was their – favorite. By the time I was 11 – I had been their favorite for a long time. They always wanted me to come to their house.”
Julie walked toward Ted, who sat on the couch. “I watched you doing the same things with Jodi, they did with me. Making her feel special.”
Now only a couple feet in front of Ted, Julie asked, “Why do you think I let Jodi go to your house last night? I knew you wanted to fuck her.” Pausing for a moment to let Ted catch his breath, Julie asked, “So did you? Did you fuck my little girl last night? And I guess you fucked Jamie today. That’s what took so long.”

Ted had not anticipated this. Julie’s blatant approval, her willingness to have her daughter’s fucked by a man, was unexpected.
“Your uncle and cousins, they fucked you when you were a little girl, Julie?” Ted asked, trying to sound sympathetic, though he felt his cock beginning to grow after hearing this new information.
Julie smiled and nodded — yes, “For years,” she replied, with a fond remanences in her voice. “I knew a man would do the same to my sweet lovely little girls. I had just hoped it would be someone who was kind and gentle with them. They both really like you Ted,” Julie said, stepping the final two feet to where he sat. “I was hoping today, well, maybe, I could watch you with them.”

Julie wrapped her arms around Ted’s neck, as she stood between his knees. “I saw Bill, when he stayed with us, doing things to Jamie. I found I liked to watch. But the girls aren’t aware I know about you and them, so I don’t know how to – hide – in order to watch. Can you help me?”

Ted sat on the couch, dumbfounded. Julie had watched a man with Jamie?
Making sure what they were actually talking about, Ted asked, “What did you see Bill and Jamie doing?”
Julie explained she had come home early one day and heard noises in Jamie’s room. The door was cracked open and in the mirror’s refection, Julie saw Bill fucking Jamie. They were on Jamie’s bed, Bill had her legs lifted into the air. “So he could get deeper,” Julie said. “The way he was fucking her – it was obviously not her first time.” Julie watched Bill fuck her until he cum. “I listened to my baby moan as Bill fucked her.”

Then a week later, Julie explained she had gone to the kitchen late one night. “I saw Jamie on the couch, sucking Bill’s cock. The lamp was on. I could see the side of her face, her mouth, as Bill was pushing his cock into her.”
Julie said she stood in the kitchen doorway watching. Bill had seen her, realizing she wasn’t going to stop what he was doing to Jamie, he put his hand over Jamie’s forehead and eyes so Jamie couldn’t see her mom watching. Julie said “I watched Bill fucking Jamie’s mouth. He looked directly at me, smiled, then started pushing deeper, pushing more of his cock into her throat. I stood there as he gaged Jamie. I saw her little back arch up, I knew she was choking on his cock.”

Now looking at Ted, Julie said, “When Bill started cumming, he was looking right at me. I watched him cum in my baby’s mouth – and I loved it.”

Ted listened to Julie relay the events of her childhood, as well as those of Bill and Jamie.
“The girls know I am here. How can I hide and watch?” Julie asked, her tone almost desperate.
Ted thought for a moment, then slowly asked, “Why hide? Let the girls know you approve of me fucking them. Everything will be so much easier that way.”
Julie looked at Ted, her eyes wide with shock. That thought had never occurred to her. “But how do I tell them?”

Ted’s Solution for Julie
Ted smiled, “I know little girls, and they always want to be watched. They always want their mom’s approval.” Ted stood, moving Julie back to her chair. “Take your clothes off. I know just how to tell them.”
Julie hesitated.
“Undress!” Ted said firmly, as he began doing the same. “When you’re naked, set on that chair.”
Ted’s jeans and underwear were off. His hard 8” cock was pointing toward Julie, as she pushed her shots and panties to the floor. “Set down,” Ted said to her, a little kinder.
Julie sat naked on the living room chair.

Ted looked down at the woman’s body in front of him. Her 5’3” body with long blonde hair and B-cup tits looked even better naked than he had imagined. “Suck me, Julie,” he said quietly, “Don’t take your mouth off my cock.”
Julie looked up at him, slightly confused, but she obediently opened her mouth.
Ted slid his cock into her mouth. He felt her tongue’s magical movement on his cock. “Ohhhh, Julie, that’s phenomenal.” She knew just what to do with a man’s cock.
“Did you suck your uncle and cousin’ cocks, when you were little?” Ted asked, as his cock slid deeper into her mouth.
Julie nodded her head – yes.
Ted now understood why she was such a great cock sucker – years of practice!

Ted’s hands moved to each side of her head, holding it. His hips made a few thrusts into her mouth, the tip of his cock, bumping against the opening of her throat.

“Jodi – Jamie,” Ted called loudly, holding Julie’s mouth on his cock, “Come here girls.”
Julie tilted her head back slightly, looking at Ted. Trying to shake her head – no. Ted held her firm.
Two sets of feet ran toward the living room.
“We’re coming, Mr….” Jamie said as she rounded the corner. Her momentum suddenly stopping in mid-stride.
Jodi, only a step behind her, “Why’d you…” Jodi said, as she ran into Jamie’s back.
Both girl’s eyes froze on their mom’s mouth, being filled by Ted’s cock. They were speechless and motionless.
Ted’s hips never stopped moving. His cock continued sliding in and out of Julie’s mouth. She saw the girls, but didn’t resist his cock’s movement.
“Ummmm, Julie,” Ted moaned again, looking at the two 11 year-old girls only a few feet away.

Without pausing, Ted said, “Jamie, you know I fucked Jodi last night. And sweetie,” he said looking at Jodi, “I fucked Jamie today at my house.”
The girls looked at each other. So much was happening they didn’t know what to say.
“Your mom told me about you and Bill,” Ted said to Jamie. “But I bet you don’t know she watched you fucking and sucking him. And – she enjoyed it. She likes to watch her sweet little girls being fucked.”
Ted had loosened his grip on Julie’s head. There was no need to hold her in place. Her mouth was now voluntarily doing his work for him. Julie had raised her hands to Ted’s balls and the exposed shaft. Her fingers moved over his genitals, as Ted explained things to the girls. Julie’s mouth never left his cock.

In the same tone Ted had used so often, to manipulate all the little girls, he said, “Mommy wants to watch me fuck her lovely daughters. So get undressed for me – and mommy.”
Jamie pulled off her blouse immediately, as she watched her mom’s mouth take Ted’s cock into her throat. Julie had pushed nearly the full length inside.

She must have been gagged a lot when she was a child, Ted thought.

Jodi, still uncertain, asked, “Mommy, do you…”
Before Jodi could complete her question, Julie pulled her mouth off Ted’s cock, the first time since he had called the girls. “Yes, honey,” Julie said in a motherly tone, “Do everything Mr. Ted tells you to do. We talked about it and I want you to do it for him – and me.”
Julie instantly moved her mouth back to Ted’s cock as she watched Jodi undress.

Reluctantly pulling his cock from Julie’s mouth, Ted walked to the couch as he admired their three naked bodies. “Come here girls, lay on the couch. Mommy wants to see you suck my cock. You watched her, now it’s her turn to watch you.”
He smiled as the girls approached. He had, in the past two months gone from no young cunts, to two – plus their mom.

Ted fulfills Julie’s desires
Laying on their tummies across the couch, Ted held his glistening cock toward Jamie’s mouth. “Show mommy how you suck a man’s cock.” He glanced toward Julie, whose eyes were fixed on his cock. If she wanted a show, he was happy to provide one.

Jamie moved her small fingers to the base of Ted’s cock. Opening her mouth, she wrapped her lips over the top three inches. Ted’s right hand moved to Jamie’s naked ass, his left to Jodi’s. As Jamie sucked his cock, he moved his hands over their small smooth ass cheeks.
He inserted the tip of his finger into Jamie’s asshole. Jodi’s asshole received only firm pressure – no insertion. However both girls groaned loudly, sending spectacular vibrations onto Ted’s cock. “Such sweet tiny asses,” Ted said, looking at Julie. “Someday I’ll get in both those – and you will watch.”
Julie nodded her head – yes.

“Honey,” Ted said, looking at Jodi, “You’ve sucked my cock already. Use your tongue and lips anywhere you want. Mommy wants to see both her little girl’s mouths on my cock.”

Ted looked at Julie. “Come over here, close, on your knees. Watch what I do to your daughters.”
Julie moved toward Ted, almost as if her knees were too weak to carry her. Ted recognized a woman on the verge of cumming. In the brief time she had been watching, she was already amazingly aroused.
“Watch your daughters, Julie,” Ted said in a compassionate tone “Make yourself cum. Let your girls hear you cum.”

On her knees in front of Ted, Julie’s fingers moved swiftly to her wet pussy. Ted could hear the slurping sounds of cum inside Julie, as it moved around her fingers. “Ummmmm,” Julie moaned, 15-seconds later. Her eyes remained fixed, watching her daughters’ tongues and lips move up, down and over Ted’s cock. Seeing this up-close, her fingers brought her cunt to orgasm.
“Good girls,” Ted said, as the middle finger of both his hands, pressed against their tiny assholes. “You two made your mommy cum. Listen to her.”
The room was filled with Julie’s moans, as her fingers moved her from happiness to ecstasy.

Eventually, Julie’s fingers slowed, as she sat back on top of her legs, curled underneath her ass.
Seeing Julie’s momentary contentment, Ted was not finished with the show. There were still two 11 year-old girls to fuck, and a special treat for Julie.

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By Famman #Incest #Threesome #Tween #Voyeur


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