Home Invasion Fantasy Pt 4 Sex Story – Lonefun

#Abuse #BDSM #Rape 3 hours ago

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By Ap0wers Melanie’s story of a home invader using her for his perverted ideas continues….

*Quick disclaimer: everything in this story is 100% fiction.*

Previously in the story….I had Melanie hogtied and helpless, I’d fucked her while tied spread eagle, spanked her ass, and anally fingered her while making her cum. The only thing left to do was to take her mouth, which I did while she was hogtied turning her mouth into my own personal fleshlight. But our time together is still young, and there’s so much I want to do with her….


I was exhausted after fucking Melanie’s sweet face, I was sweaty and my heart was pounding. If I was like this, I couldn’t imagine how Melanie would’ve felt still hogtied on her bed with cum on her face and tits, and gagged with a ball gag and clear tape. I decided I really needed to use the toilet so when I came out of the bathroom, I could see she was utterly shattered, breathing heavily out of her nose. I put my underwear on and put on some shorts, almost deliberately doing it slowly right in front of her to further prolong her suffering. I thought I probably wasn’t going to get another chance to see my little fucktoy like this again so I took some photos of her, the cum has already started to dry on her but I made sure to get plenty of close ups on her cum on my tits. Finally though I put my phone down and started undoing the rope that had her in hogtied position from her ankles so the rope was still attached to her wrists. Using some scissors I cut the tape that was around her ankles, I had meant to give her a warning but Melanie had lost so much flight, she was just my bondage puppet now. I lifted her up so she was sitting on the bed, and picked up the rope so it looped through her legs, then standing up I used the rope to force her to stand off the bed with no assistance.

Her legs were shaking, she’d been bound in such a way the her legs had lost the energy to lift herself up, but I didn’t care I continued to pull the rope up into her crotch, “c’mon you little slut, get yourself up!” She was squealing in protest feeling the rope rub up against her sensitive pussy, she was looking at me begging me to help her but I wasn’t going to help her, I was having too much fun watch her struggle, although I didn’t show it. Instead I narrowed my eyes threateningly at her and said menacingly, “if you don’t get yourself up in 5 seconds I’m going to use this rope to yank you up.” That seemed to give her the proper motivation, she rocked back onto the bed to give more momentum, meaning the rope got buried deeper in her snatch, but that managed to get her up enough onto her feet to maintain balance. But only just, her legs were as wobbly as a baby giraffe. I smiled behind my bandana and turned my back to her, and with the rope draped over me shoulder to create a sharp angle on the rope I lead her around the room like an owner leads their pet. She was my little fuckpet.

After a good few minutes of leading her around her apartment I finally took her to the bathroom. On our way to the bathroom I grabbed two pairs of handcuffs from my bag and after I dropped the rope (hearing her relief at that) placed one pair around her ankles. Then I cut away the tape off her hands and allowed her to drop them down to her sides, clearly she realised I was in full control of her as she didn’t fight me in any way. I shackled her two wrists together around a pipe, and started to fill the bath with lukewarm, she just watched me, clearly wondering what sick pleasure I had in my mind next. Truth was I felt she probably needed a wash after everything I’d just put her through, once the bath was filled half way I unlocked her wrist shackles from the pipe and reconnected them once free, it was only then I remembered I’d left that condom I’d fingered her with in her ass. I stood her up, turned her around, pulled out the condom still protruding (which she gave a little moan at) and gave her left ass cheek a slap for good measure. I stood up and picked her up and gently put my fucktoy in the bath. “Wash yourself, slut. I’ve put you through a lot. I know know you want me to say that this is the end of our evening, but that’s not happening. This thing…” I hold up the condom “is not the only thing going in your ass tonight.” I said that with an evil look in my eye that made her shudder.

But still she took the opportunity I’d given her, it was no surprise to me that the first thing she did was wash her face and tits of my cum. I could tell it had really disgusted her the way I’d marked her as my property by cumming on her, she looked me and made a sound while gesturing her fingers to her mouth, she was asking if I could take the gag off her. “Hmmmm you want the gag off do you?” she gently nodded, “I tell you what, finger yourself, and moan like a whore. Then when I’m satisfied, I’ll take your gag off.” She appeared to think about it but she really seemed to want the gag off, she hesitated but ran her fingers down towards her pussy. Slowly she began to rub it up and down, she moaned into her gag just as I asked her but she was clearly faking it, she was still only rubbing herself gently though, “I told you to finger yourself bitch, get a finger in there now or I’ll give you a shampoo bottle instead!” That change of tone seemed to shake her and sure enough she poked one of her ringer fingers into her pussy, “that’s it baby, finger fuck yourself for me. Moan for me.” Seeing her do it gave me another idea, I grabbed her my phone and began recording her, starting at her face with her moaning and staring at the camera and moving down her body to show her fingering herself. That was definitely going on the darkweb!

To Melanie’s credit she was doing a really good job, I was pretty sure she wasn’t actually turned on but she was doing a good job of selling it. I took a good couple of minutes of video, I even picked up the ass condom and held it in front of the camera asking her, “do you want this back in your ass….?” bless her she shook her head and gave the cutest muffed “mmm-mmm” so with her still fingering herself I asked her, “do you want the gag off…?” she nodded her head and gave another muffled “mhmm” I responded, “ok then, I think you’ve been a good girl.” I put the phone down and took the tape off, before taking the gag off though I gave her a similar warning as before, “no screaming or loud noises ok? I might even allow you to talk if you’re really good, understand?” She nodded, so I slowly pulled the gag off her. First thing she did was massage her mouth, the gag had clearly been uncomfortable. She didn’t say anything though, she just continued to wash herself, she used her hands to put some water in her mouth to wash it out. I watched her the whole time, admiring her body. She wasn’t a stick, she still had some curves, which was something I really liked about her. She had washed her face but not her hair so I said to her, “do you want some help washing your hair?” she looked at me and paused, clearly thinking it was a trick of some kind. “Your…your not going to do something horrible to me if I say yes?”, “no tricks, I’ll use this cup to put water through your hair and help you wash it.”

She looked around, thinking about it, finally she looks at me and says, “yes please.” I was little surprised at how sedate she was to me, perhaps she felt if she’s nice to me I won’t do anything to her. I didn’t want to tell her otherwise so I let her believe it, I take some of the water in the bath and drain it over her several times so her hair is drenched, then I dribble some shampoo in her hair and start to rub it in. An ex-girlfriend of mine used to say I gave really good head massages so I went to work not only rubbing it in but massaging her head. After everything I’d put her through it surprised me when she actually appeared to relax at my head massage, I even enjoyed it myself. This could have been your life if you’d just said yes to me in the first place, I thought to myself. It actually made me a little annoyed, I wanted her to be my girlfriend and I would’ve treated her well. I would’ve learnt from my last girlfriend and controlled myself a bit more when playing in the dom/sub role, I fucked her ass without her permission one night while she was tied up and gagged. I’d fuck her ass before so I thought it was ok, she said she was crying but I thought she was just playing along. Ah well she was starting to annoy me anyway so it was for the best, but Melanie I would’ve been a better dom to her, instead here we were. She was my fuckslave, and I was her master. I finished the massage and rinsed the shampoo out of her hair being careful not to get it in her eyes. She’d been in there for a good 10-15 minutes now so I felt like it was time to get out, before though I handed her a bottle of water from my bag making sure it had a red cap on it. She was so thirsty she didn’t think twice before necking the lot.

I pulled her up and helped her out of the bath, I dried her down using a towel, Melanie just stood there letting me do my thing. I wasn’t sure if she was being obedient to wait for her opportunity to escape or because she’d lost fight but I was happy she was making things easy on me right now. She still had her ankle cuffs on so I picked her up and put her over my shoulder taking her back to the bed and placing her on the egde, I wanted to wait a while before I next fucked her so I was at better strength but that didn’t mean I didn’t have ideas for passing the time and the first part of that was starting to come to fruition. I had laced the water I gave her with a drug that a friend gave me which he said makes people “pliable” as he put it, essentially whoever ingested the drug would become loopy and awake but very easy to maneuver. Her eyes had started to glaze over and they were half shut but she was still clearly awake, I pulled her up onto her feet and she just stood there almost completely unresponsive, just what I wanted! I undid her handcuffs and placed her hands by her side, then pulled out industrial strength cling wrap from my bag. This had been a fantasy I always wanted to do and Melanie was going to be my victim!

I started at her waist, tightly binding her arms against by going around her twice, then I start moving up her body covering up her tummy before getting to her tits. I decide to go over the top of her breasts packing them down, again I go two layers over, I keep moving up to fully cover the top of her body including her shoulders. I smooth out the creases on the plastic, and tear off the end of the cling film. I’ve packed her up really tight, she’s still really loopy though, I doubted she realises what’s happening. I get a vibrator that has a remote lead and place it tightly onto her pussy, pushing up into her so it slightly spreads her pussy lips and using bondage tape I secure it against her. I get the cling wrap and start wrapping her again from the torso down making sure the the vibrator gets tightly placed in position. Around and around I go on her legs, continuing to pack her in tight, by when I get down to her ankles I undo her ankle cuffs, no need for them anymore! She is now almost completely wrapped up, I can’t believe it, she’s the perfect package. I decide I’m not quite done though, getting some tape I wrap a strip around her body at her hands, another strip at her elbows, then another two strips at her knees and ankles. I pick her up and place her on the bed and stand back to really take in what I’ve done to her, I realise though I’ve missed a very important part.

I find the panties I used the first time to gag her and put them back in her mouth, I can see from her eyes she’s slowly starting to realise things aren’t quite right. I get some silver tape and starting at her lips I start to wrap it around her mouth giving it about 5 passes around her head being careful to try to avoid it getting too tangled in her hair. She is now completely immobilised and fully gagged unable to do a thing. I’ve never had a sub like this, there’s so many places to start! Before doing anything I make sure I take plenty of photos and and couple of videos showing her as the complete package she is. Putting down the phone I go back to my fucktoy, I’d turned the AC in her apartment on a high setting the try to keep her as cool as possible, Melanie was starting to become fully sober and was starting to struggling against her new predicament. I don’t think this wasn’t a situation she’d ever even imagined, so dealing with it came with a lot of confusion. At this point I decided I couldn’t be fucked with the bandana anymore, it was getting in my way of enjoying myself, I pulled it off waiting to see if she recognised me. It took a moment and she definitely knew my face then it clicked and she started yelling into her gag, “you really should have just said yes to me in the first place you stupid slut, now I’m going to use you in every sick way I can imagine, this one in particular has been at the top of my list for a while.”

I picked up the controller connected to the vibrator, it has 3 levels on it, I decided I was going to start of slow with my mummified slave so I put it on the lowest level. Immediately she responded to the vibrator stimulating her pussy, screaming and moaning into her wrap tape gag, I start rubbing the plastic all over her finding myself at her pussy, I push the vibrator further onto her which made her scream even more. God I loved it, this was my fantasy come to life! I get off her and go to her fridge/freezer hoping she has what I’m looking for and I’m pleased when I see she does, I come back to her with a bowl of ice cubes sitting in a little water. I take one of the ice cubes and rub it up one of her arms, I could see her body temperature had already started to increase from being encased, the ice was melting quite easily. I rubbed it around her tummy and left it to melt at her belly button. Grabbing one in each hand now I knew where I was going with them, I placed each of the blocks on her breast and moved them around in a circular pattern focusing in particular on her nipples. Putting what was left of the cubs back in the bowl I took some scissors a carefully cut small holes right above her nipples to allow them to poke through, I grabbed the cubes again and set to work on her nipples getting them super erect. She was shaking her heads and crying, trying to tell me to stop going to work on her nipples.

I decide I’m not content with only her nipples poking through so I tear open both holes only just wide enough breasts can push through the plastic but they need help, I put my hands inside the wrap and squeeze them both out so they’re hanging over the wrapping. I can’t resist those perfect tits popping out like that, I crouch down and suck and fondle her beautiful tits, alternating between the two. She’s completely helpless to my sick fantasies, unable to do little more than scream and squirm. As I get up off her I pick up the controller, and we lock eyes as I turn it up to level two. Immediate reaction, she closes her eyes and moans harder into her gag, it’s so intoxicating seeing and hear her reactions. I sit on the edge of the bed and drag her to me flipping her over so she’s on her front. I drag her so she’s now lying across my lap with her shiny ass staring straight at me. I rub her wrapped ass making the squeaky wrap sound and then give her a light spank, she squeals in protest, another light spank, another squeal in protest. I really love the sound effect of the hand slapping onto her plastic wrapped ass, the ice bowl is right next to me so I rub one of the ice cubes over her cheeks making them glisten even more, I don’t stop until the ice cube is fully melted. Then once it is I give each cheek and a harder spank then last time, this response is much stronger, she squeals and screams and shakes her head. Such a great response, I couldn’t help but do it again! Melanie was trying to do everything she could to tell me to stop, but really it only made me want to do it more.

But I had many plans for her while she was like this so I kept moving, I wanted her to have no idea what to expect next. This next one truly was an experiment, I had a look in her drawers for something and found it pretty easily, her hair dryer. Plugging it in a come over to her and look at her, “I heard that with this wrap if you apply heat on it it will actually shrink down and constrict the product even more, let’s find out shall we?” Melanie’s eyes were wide with fear, I don’t think she could have ever imagined any of this, I turn on the hair dryer and start at her ankles. As the dryer gets close I see the plastic curl up and constrict against her body accentuating the contours of her body. I continue up her legs getting to her hands, the plastic shrinks down onto her hands, I’m trying to be careful about getting too close, no need to burn her. I continue going all around her body, the plastic clings to her skin showing off all of her curves. I flip her onto her side so I can get at her ass, running the hair drying over her it clings to her so perfectly. Flipping her back onto being face up I decide there’s one more thing to do with the dryer, I place a new layer of plastic back over her tits and set back to work with the heat. The plastic wraps beautifully onto her breasts, her nipples are still erect so they poke up like a little nub on the wrap. This experiment has been a complete success!

I turn the hair dryer off content that I’ve shrunk the plastic on her body. It’s clearly constraining her more, and now it was time for the final chapter of this, I turn the vibrator onto its highest level, she’s so driven mad by all these sensations her eyes have rolled up and she’s squirming around. I sit next to her and firmly press the vibrator against her causing her to scream and moan even more,I pick up a hand full of the ice cubes and rub them up and down her body, I even squeeze a couple underneath the plastic through some holes I create. I’ve been rubbing myself during this time and it had just turned me on too much not to do anything, I turn off the vibrator and using a couple of holes I cut I push it off her. I think she thought that was a relief but then I flipped her over and cut a hole at her bottom to gain access to her pussy.

I put on a condom and started the final part of her life as a plastic mummy, I squeezed my cock into her constricted hole and and pounded into her. Every thrust I made was matched with the sound of body rubbing on the wrap and crinkle sound it makes, I’m loving it but I don’t feel like I’m getting full access so I flip her over and using scissors I cut the plastic from her ankles up leaving her top half still wrapped. Now her legs are free and I can get pull penetration into her, the top half of her is still constrained by the wrapping so she’s still pretty much helpless. Rubbing her legs I can feel she was getting hot in her plastic prison, her legs were lined with sweat. But it’s the sight of her helpless in plastic that makes me lose it and I go with every thrust I have left, Melanie has closed her eyes seemingly trying to transport herself somewhere else, with a final thrust I collapse on top of her. “Oh fuck that was fun, that was everything I ever wanted, you’re the best fuck doll ever Melanie.”

I had once again worn Melanie out, I could feel her heart pounding. She was sobbing again into her wrap gag, I think she was hoping the nightmare would soon be over. I pulled out of her and set aside the second condom of cum, Melanie lay on the bed, the top half of her still wrapped in the heat shrunk plastic and the wrap gag on her mouth. She didn’t move, she just stared at the ceiling. What more was I going to put Melanie through?

Thanks for reading, if you’d like to chat about this or any of my other stories you can reach me on telegram @ap0wers

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By Ap0wers #Abuse #BDSM #Rape


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