It’s My Life – 23 Sex Story – Lonefun

#Cheating #Cuckold #Mature 8 hours ago

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By 4everhorny Please read the previous part here (/2024/09/its-my-life-22/ ). Now let’s continue

It read “when did you start drinking scotch darling”? I did not know whether to laugh or to cry reading his message. I took a close picture of the bite marks on my neck and breasts and sent it as a reply to him.

My phone rang within seconds of me sending that picture. It was Prakash, he worriedly asked “what happened Anita”? In a fit of rage, I replied “your bloody friend literally raped me. That is what happened Prakash!!!”

He was at loss of words. After a few moments of silence, he said “I am really sorry about this”. I shot back “if you have the bloody audacity to ask your friend to fuck me so he could stop missing his late wife then why did you not tell me first”?

Prakash said “I am sorry darling. I did not expect it to go like this”. I hung up the call before I said something which I would regret later. I changed into my nighty and went to bed.

My phone kept ringing so I put it in silent mode and slept. Next morning, I woke up and checked my phone. There were many missed calls from Prakash, Jaggu, our security supervisor Sang and Jaggu’s neighbors.

Calling back Prakash and Jaggu was the least of my priority now. I decided to start with Jaggu’s neighbors, I called them and explained how a simple evening turned into almost me getting raped by Jaggu only because I went without my hubby this time.

Everyone stood by my side with full support. I called Sang and gave him the same story. In the next few minutes he was at my door. He said “madam I am really sorry about everything. I did not know he had such intensions. Give me a few days and I will permanently fix this”.

I thanked him and closed the door after he left. I went back to my normal chores and then settled with my morning coffee on the sofa. I recollected last night’s horror and figured how dangerous this game can become.

I called Prakash finally, he answered in a groggy voice. He asked “has everything been sorted darling”? I thought to myself, if this man was really my husband and was even one cent worried about me then he would have taken the next flight back.

Instead he wakes up in his hotel room answering my call and asks me “if everything is sorted!!! The last of my love, loyalty, everything else that I had for him right then went out of the window.

I calmly replied “from today you will sleep on the couch in the living room Prakash”. He worriedly asked “why what happened Anita that you are talking like this”?

I said “so much happened last night and the least I expected from you was for you to fly back asap. Instead you are still there waking up in your comfortable hotel bed and asking me what happened”?

He tried to mumble up something but I cut him off. I said “from now on yes we will remain husband and wife for the world outside our house only. Inside the house you are no longer fit to be my husband”.

He begged saying “I am sorry Anita but I could not leave this work behind”. This enraged me even more, I said “then live the rest of your life with your work only. I will find other men to give me real satisfaction in bed”.

He continued pleading but I did not relent. Just when I was about to hang up the call, I heard a groggy female voice in the background at the other end “who is it darling”?

I had disconnected the call by then but was shocked to hear a female in his bed. Was Prakash having a clandestine affair and using his “work” as an excuse to cover it up?

My mind was racing in a million directions thinking about who that female was. Was this why he did not come back immediately despite what had happened with me last night.

Had Prakash told me honestly about this affair and made it back when I needed him, then I surely would have been very happy with him. After all he let me enjoy outside so why should I stop him from doing the same.

Today was a Sunday and Prakash was expected to return by Tuesday evening only. Till now he had not told me anything about changing his plans or coming back early.

This fueled my vengeance against him even further. I made up my mind that I was done being THE WIFE for him. From now on it was going to be my life my rules and my choice and who would be the lucky one between my legs.

Yes, obviously ensuring my family remain oblivious to all this and remain unaffected. I was going to become a Hot Wife because IT’S MY LIFE. I took care of everything and kids were off to their weekend cricket practice and would only be back by 7 in the evening.

I sat down with a coffee in my hand trying to think sensibly about everything going on. For some unknown gut feel, I called Sang and he came rather quickly still looking visibly worried.

I prepared coffee for him and sat with him. He genuinely asked “are you ok madam”? I said “yes Sang, I am much better now”. He asked “is there anything I can help you with madam”?

I said “sang you can call me Anita please”. He replied “ok Anita”. I asked “so what kind of jobs were you doing during your stint in the defense forces”?

He replied “mostly counter surveillance ops, why”? I asked “so if I can ask you for a favor to track someone’s activities then can you help me”? Sang thought for a moment and said “it depends on what you want me to do because the law is very strict now”.

I answered in a very serious tone “I need you to find out and tell me who my husband is with right now”. Sang’s eyes widened and his jaw dropped. He asked “are you telling me to spy on your husband? Do you suspect he is having an affair”?

I calmly said “yes I think that is the case. I also think that is why he is out on OFFICIAL work over this weekend now”. Sang said “maam I am very sorry to hear this but you better be sure of what you are saying”.

I replied “I just spoke to him today morning and also last night. Don’t you think any responsible husband would have dropped his work and rushed back especially after what happened with me yesterday”?

He nodded yes. I said “so despite all this, when I spoke to him this morning, he was waking up from sleep and then while hanging up the call I heard a female voice in the background asking ‘who is it darling’”.

Sang was dumbfounded listening to all this. He said “well we do not work for the forces anymore but I have a few friends who have hung around together. So if you can get me more details then I will see what I can do to help”.

I said “thank you so much Sang, but before you proceed with this can you tell me your fees”? He replied rather smilingly “for any other person I would have thought of a fee, but to help you with this problem Anita, I will gladly do it for free”.

I said “thank you so much Sang”. He left saying “forward me whatever details you have on him right now”. I quickly called my husband’s PA and asked for his trip details.

She nervously replied “maam I cannot share anything without the boss’s orders”. I thundered saying “I am THE boss’s bloody wife. Do you still want to try your luck”?

She immediately forwarded me the details and I found out he had taken a flight to a city which was a very famous tourist and honeymoon destination.

I sent everything to Sang along with the hotel booking details. He promised to get back to me by next day if he found anything incriminating. I got busy finishing my house chores.

Then I showered and sat on my bed thinking what to wear today. A naughty thought came to my mind. It was about Ravi. I decided to call Ravi and ask if he would like to meet today.

I went to my living room where my phone was on charge to call him. There was something about Ravi which was strongly attracting me to him. I have never felt like before about anyone, not even Rafiq.

But now that unknown attraction was also turning me on also making me weak in my knees. Right from that day when we had our first conversation till recently was flashing thru my mind.

When I came back to my senses I realized I was fondling my left boob with one hand while my other hand was rubbing my crotch. I realized I was still stark naked in my living room which has never happened before.

So I took my phone and called him. He answered quickly even before the first ring completed. I asked “so do you want to meet me today Ravi”? He enthusiastically exclaimed “yes Anita, but where”?

I thought if I called him home then Sang would know for sure and maybe the other men too who were keeping a tab on me. So decided against it. I replied “I was thinking meeting at my place is very risky so leave it up to you”.

To be continued….

Let me know how you liked this and I will post more parts, you can reach me on [email protected].

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By 4everhorny #Cheating #Cuckold #Mature


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