I Went To A Sex Club As A Solo Guy

I never in my dreams thought I’d do something like this on my own. Let alone be confident enough to actually go through with it.

Yet, I did do it, against my anxieties and pre-determined ideas and I am proud to admit that it got really crazy. I thought that it was worth telling others just so you get an idea of what something like this is like for a solo guy in one of these places.

I’ll start off by saying a few months ago I didn’t even know you could go to some sex clubs/parties as a solo guy, but after reading about sex clubs and their differing rules, I decided to google if there were any clubs near me.

When I began looking I noticed that some of them were couples only, some a mixture of couples and single women only, and one, in the next town over, around 40 minutes away from me allowed single men to join in sometimes too, so long as they followed the rules and if I am one thing, it’s a rule follower.

I played with the idea for a few weeks, I checked their website and they had a few policies, and I saw that on some nights they didn’t allow solo men, but on special event nights and Fridays (for some reason, I don’t know) they let men come on their own (but you can be turned away if you don’t meet their criteria).

Building Up The Courage To Go

It was nerve-racking, I really wanted to go through with it but I was holding myself back with insecurities and worry.

I would go on to their website over and over again and one day when I was trawling through their events page there was a new party listed called ‘hotwife night’, they were letting couples, solo women, and a limited amount of men in, but before I could go they wanted pictures of me and to speak to me (their policy for solo men for this type of event).

For some, this would be awful, but there were events on the page where this wasn’t the case and I personally picked this event as it felt like once they saw me and decided I could go it validated me and my fears of being rejected at the door would be eased.

The photo part was easy, I just took my latest profile picture and sent that to them, I had to answer some questions and got sent a dress code and the club etiquette. There were lots of rules that they wanted me to follow which felt overwhelming at the start but I soon realized they were just basic decency rules and nothing was hard to remember not to do. Once I submitted everything I waited 24 hours and I was approved by the club’s team, I knew then that I had to show up.

My Reason For Going

I should say that I didn’t go there thinking I was going to sleep with people, I just wanted to meet, mingle and be a fly on the wall and see how something like this actually looks from the inside.

In my head, it would be a damp, dark, and seedy club and I had two ideas about it:

one is that it would be people who were super hot and out of my league,

or two it would be loads of creepy people.

Also after reading lots of these stories in the membership, I realized that I’d love to be a part of this lifestyle and meet people in it with the hope that in the future meet someone and we could play with others.

I passed the checks, answered all the questions, and asked a few of my own, they seemed really happy for me to come along and were really welcoming, I even asked them if my outfit was okay (my smartest suit without the blazer) and they told me it was perfect. I was so excited and I had no idea what to expect or what was about to happen.

Walking Through The Door Of The Sex Club

I feel like I should mention that I am pretty extroverted, but the moment I parked my car and then walked toward the entrance of the sex club, my heart was racing, I really did almost turn around five separate times.

It felt to me like jumping in a really cold pool without touching it first. My stomach was churning, I was completely out of my comfort zone but knowing I had passed the checks and knowing I was about to experience something new pushed me forward and before I knew it I was approaching the thick black doors.

I had my phone with my email ticket showing and my ID ready and once I showed it to security I got let in, they didn’t flicker in my direction as I slowly stepped through the doors and into the dimly lit corridor. I approached a booth where an attractive blonde woman was sitting, she greeted me, asked if it was my first time, and offered me a tour of the place, which I gratefully accepted.

I was like deer in the headlights, unsure of where to look and where I was going but it was exhilarating.

Being Shown Around The Sex Club

She took me under her wing, showing me where everything was, how everything worked, and some tips on using each room.

People were already there, some happily naked, some just chatting amongst themselves, and others in full party mode, I tried not to stare at a girl having her pussy eaten by two different guys, she was laying on a red inflatable lounger and they were rock hard as they sucked her.

The woman taking me around noticed my shock and smiled at me, she took me into a completely pitch-black room where we could hear people moaning loudly, enjoying themselves somewhere in the darkness but we couldn’t actually see anything, then she showed me the jacuzzi and the pool area where couples were swimming and some making out on the incredibly realistic rocks next to it.

She introduced me to people, one of the women she introduced me to was wearing mesh lingerie, leaving little to the imagination and she giggled at my blushing cheeks.

She then took me toward some mirrors, showing me that it was one-sided and that you could watch kinky couples going at it from behind the glass, it was really turning me on and although overwhelming, I couldn’t wait to explore as the night went on.

She showed me ‘play’ signs and reminded me of the rules, she mentioned the number one rule of putting the ‘play’ sign up if you wanted people to join you and putting the sign down if you didn’t want anybody else participating, she told me it was an immediate ban if anyone broke this rule.

Then there were the kink rooms that had multiple glory holes at different levels, and big velvet curtains where you can fuck without seeing the person you’re fucking. The bar, the dance floor, and the locker room.

The place was huge, she noted the look on my face and guided me in the direction of the bar, and told me to come and find her if I needed help with anything. I thanked her, took a deep breath, and headed in.

I Was Luckily Approached By A Woman When I Got To The Bar

When I got there, I took a deep breath, ordered my drink, and swallowed it within seconds, ordering another before the first had even had a chance to reach the back of my throat.

As I stood there, a woman approached me. She was wearing a tight black dress, her nipples were hard and poking through the slim material. She asked me if it was my first time here and I nodded and she smiled, for some reason, she put me at ease, despite her strikingly beautiful face and incredible figure.

She asked me what I wanted from my time here and I told her that I just wanted to meet new people, I was intrigued about the hotwife lifestyle and I wanted to put myself out there and try something new. She nodded and listened to me, she answered my questions about the event and came onto me a little bit, asking me to meet her later on in one of the kink rooms if I was up to it.

As we walked toward another seating area, she introduced me to a few people before kissing me on the cheek sensually and leaving with a dark-haired woman. A couple began speaking to me then and we really hit it off, I was starting to feel really relaxed and suddenly I was filled with excitement.

Looking Around On My Own

I went for a look around, I played it cool, I didn’t want to come across as creepy I just wanted to see what people were up to. People were even more intimate than they had been when I had my initial walk round, rooms were being used, moans and the sounds of sex were more apparent, and more and more people were undressed and exploring each other’s bodies.

I did have to get out of my own head and it took a while but I got into the flow, talking to people and really taking it all in.

Seeing an orgy and what it felt like

I saw a few super hot women being the center of orgies, where it seemed like anything went, the kind of thing I’d seen in porn but didn’t realize was happening so close to my home.

I stood around and watched, they had the ‘play’ sign up meaning anyone could join in but I wasn’t ready for something so intense just yet. I watched as they moaned and wriggled between one another, cocks entering any hole and orgasms spilling out of all of them.

I then noticed two couples, clearly swapping with one another, side by side on a huge bed. My eyes lingered on them, they looked as if they were having so much fun, lost in the ecstasy of pleasure. I noticed how liberated all of the people there were, free from the constraints of modern society, living their lives how they wanted to in a safe and welcoming place.

I Saw The Women Who Met Me At The Bar Again

She came up to me, smiling from ear to ear, her cheeks were flushed, and she was still wearing her tight black dress, she looked ethereal and she asked if I’d like to join her in the hot tub before she went to one of the kink rooms, I went along with it, and we started talking, we talked about life for a while and then, she asked me more about how I enjoyed myself, I didn’t really have an answer. We got into the hot tube, she was topless and I was wearing just my underwear, and I couldn’t help but glance at her perky breasts. She could tell I was nervous, and she told me about her first visit to the club, going into detail about being tied up and fucked by strangers, having multiple orgasms, and squirting so hard that she almost passed out. I was hard as I listened to her tale, that and the fact her small breasts were staring at me in the water, her nipples hard and her breasts soapy from the jacuzzi water.

Things became very flirty between us, she inched closer to me and began rubbing my hard cock in the water. I was mesmerized by her and we began making out, she pulled away a few moments later and nodded towards a sign that claimed all clubgoers must abide by the rules of not fucking the jacuzzi or pool.

She took my hand, still half-naked, and led me to a private room by the side of the pool, a velvet curtain sealing us in. She got on top of me and we began making out, I fondled her small breasts and she grabbed my cock before slowly inching her way down my body and going down on me. I could see a couple watching us through the gap in the curtain, I smiled at them and they entered, she must have left the ‘play’ sign up.

The couple watched me getting a blowjob, touching one another, and making out. Soon enough she was back on top of me, pulling her wet panties to one side and letting me enter her. The couple was now laying at the end of the bed, she was getting oral from him and her moans turned me on as my cock was squeezed and fucked by this girl.

She rode me like a cowgirl, I had to keep stopping her, I was in awe of her and I knew I would cum prematurely. She understood and told me to watch as she joined in with the couple, letting the husband taste her pussy before going down on his wife with him. She ended up getting railed by him too as I lay there watching, my cock twitching. She came back to me and fucked the cum from my aching balls inside of herself and I lay there panting as she went back to the couple and came from his tongue, squirting and soaking the bed beneath us.

The whole thing was incredible. I am still not over it to this day.

She became my play buddy and said she would show me the ropes

After that, whenever an event allowed single males I would go and I would see her every time. We always played together, having amazing sex and allowing anyone to join. She has shown me so much in just a few short weeks, I have had more sex and more experiences than ever before and I can’t thank her enough.

After speaking to more people at the sex club and going frequently, I found out that it’s cool for solo guys to go as long as they aren’t creeping, stalking, and desperate, trying to just get quick sex is a huge red flag. Apparently, lots of clubs can see guys behaving like this a mile off and they either get perma banned or kicked out. My best piece of advice would be to go without the expectation of having sex and go with the mindset that I had. My mindset is what opened me up and allowed me to have so much fun.

Would I recommend it? Yes, absolutely! to couples, solo males and females. Just be courteous, respectful, and rule-abiding, and remember to relax.

If you want more sex confession stories like this one with more intimacy, more vulgarity, and more details be sure to join us in the members area.


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