Aunt Kathy's Seduction CH 2 Sex Story – Lonefun

#Blackmail #Teen 8 hours ago

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By Dominos When Aunt Kathy resists, Liam plays his blackmail cards.

Chapter two – Hopefully the formatting will be make it a little smoother to read vs the previous part.

Of course, when Liam got home, he did exactly what you’d expect of a 14-year-old boy who’d just had his first real kiss. He went straight to his room and beat off. Then he beat off again, and half an hour later he was ready to go a third time! Woke up in the middle of the night dreaming about Aunt Kathy and beat off again, then again first thing in the morning… Finally, he could function a bit! Such is the way of a horny teenage boy.

Now Kathy on the other hand was a complete mess that night. She took a cold shower and went straight to bed even though it wasn’t that late yet. She couldn’t stop feeling like his lips were still on hers and it made her so VERY horny. She refused to touch herself, she refused to let herself have even a private moment of release. She dreamt of Liam kissing and making love to her, and in the morning she was so horny she was leaking down her leg! Still, she refused to allow herself any stress relief…
School that day was a breeze, he felt lighter than air and others noticed but he didn’t care. It was after school that mattered after all. There was a bit of a delay in his plans, today he had track. It went better than usual, he ran his fastest time yet, and when he got his usual erection, he didn’t feel ashamed of it. Oddly enough, he noticed one or two girls from the cheerleader practice session were looking but didn’t have that disgusted look on their faces he was used to seeing. He shrugged it off, they were too young for him, but he did enjoy it a bit.

He made it home and took a quick shower, put on a pair of shorts and a t shirt, and transferred all the photos he’d prepared to his phone, then headed next door. He hopped the fence in the back yard again this time, it was more difficult because he was already sporting a hard on just thinking of seeing Kathy.

As he walked in through the back door, he saw her in an emerald green dress looking radiant as always. “Hello Aunt Kathy” he said cheerfully, as if nothing was ever awkward between them.

Kathy didn’t look at him, she focused on the towel in her hand as she wiped off the counter, “Hello Liam, how was school?”

“School was great, I learned about triangles in geometry, and got my fastest time yet in track.” He said enthusiastically, “But I’m really excited to find out what I’m learning tonight!” He tried his best to say that last bit like it was perfectly normal.

Kathy started to shake, nerves finally getting to her, “No Liam, no more learning…” She turned to him; her hands weren’t steady even though her voice was very firm. Liam knew better though, he just gestured towards a chair at the table, “Aunt Kathy take a seat,” he said it with such confidence, and reached for the other chair for himself, that she naturally sat down without even realizing she was obeying what was clearly an order.

“Liam we can never…” she began but he didn’t let her finish.

“Listen to yourself, you’re babbling Mrs. Emerson, this is perfectly ok you’re not going to get in trouble.” Liam said, using the name of the woman who’d recently been caught having sex with a boy as if it were a Freudian slip.

“Trouble why would I… What did you call me?” Kathy was confused, her brain was moving a mile a minute and her pussy was a constant distraction demanding attention.

Liam continued as if nothing was amiss, “It’s not like anyone has seen us kissing, or any inappropriate pictures of you.” He pulled out his phone, unlocking it casually.

“It was just one kiss, I was just trying to show you…” Kathy tried to defend herself, she tried to sound confident, but her hands wouldn’t stop shaking.

“Well, it was a bit more than one kiss Aunt Kathy, quite a bit more…” He sounded so confident, “And then there’s all the kissing we’ll be doing today of course.” He reached out and touched her hand.

Kathy pulled her hand back like she’d touched fire, her blood pressure spiked as her heart raced, “No no, we can’t do anymore!” She tried to sound firm, confident, but it sounded more like pleading even to her own ears.

“What if anyone found out?” Liam said, “What would they say if I told them how you were kissing me? Especially after…”

“No one would believe you!” She all but shouted in a panic.

“They would when they found these…” He turned the screen around so she could see the picture on his phone. It was the one of her in bed in her nightie, her left breast exposed. There was cum on her lips and cheek as well as across her chest. It looked absolutely realistic.

“Oh, my gawd where did you get that?!” Kathy exclaimed, covering her mouth with a hand, she reached for the phone, but Liam deftly pulled it back, then he swiped the image and it was replaced by another. This one was Kathy on her knees with her head down on the floor and ass in the air, but she’d been wearing slacks when the picture was taken, in the image she was naked with cum all over her ass and pussy. “Oh, my gawd Liam how could you!?” she started to stand up.

“Aunt Kathy I don’t want anyone to see these pictures, but…” he let it hang in the air, “Sit down please.” The last was clearly an order, no pretenses.

Kathy was getting angry now, she stood up fully, leaning over the table, “You will delete those fakes now, and apologize, and we’ll NEVER speak of this again.”

Liam stayed calm, he’d prepared for this, he knew she’d get angry, “Ok sure, I’ll delete them… of course there’s still the copy on my computer, and the cloud.” He paused for a moment to let that sink in before the nail in the coffin moment, “And the ones in the pre-written emails to the Pastor, Principal, and my parents.”

Kathy gasped and said nothing, her brain still moving a mile a minute as it all sunk in, he had her dead to rights and there was nothing she could do about it…

“Sit down Mrs. Emerson, I mean Aunt Kathy.” Liam said again, a firm order not to be denied.

Kathy sat down, and the third domino fell…

“What do you want?” Kathy asked, her voice was small as she stared at her hands, like she knew she’d lost the negotiation, and now just awaited terms.

Liam wanted to throw the table out of the way and grab Kathy and do all the things he’d seen in every porn ever. It’s what most kids would do, but Liam really was smarter than that, so he stayed the course, held his desires in check for a little longer. “I want you to keep teaching me. Make me the best kisser any woman has ever met.”

Kathy looked up, hopeful for just a moment, “Just kissing…”

Of course, Liam had no intention of just kissing, but he said, “You want to do other things?” inquisitively.

“No no, just kissing is good, I can do that!” She said, her body language changed, she leaned forward and squared her shoulders, nodding her head. She’d just convinced herself that just kissing was a win, and just like that, Liam had her motivated to do the very thing she was refusing to do only minutes ago.

“Ok then, lets practice some more right now.” Liam smiled, standing up and reaching out for her hand.

Apprehension hit her as she let him take her hand, she stood up and looked at Liam, he really was a handsome boy. She bit her lower lip and shyly leaned forward. As their lips touched that same spark from before hit her and she was already so desperately aroused! Before she knew what she was doing she was holding Liam’s face and shoving her tongue into his mouth.

Liam reveled in her lust, it made him feel desired, it made him feel powerful. He stepped into her, passionately kissing her back, taking his queues from her, he alternated between dueling with her tongue, and exploring her mouth. Liam grabbed Kathy’s narrow hips and pulled her closer and she reflexively started grinding against his rock-hard prick.

Finally, Kathy broke the kiss, wrapped her arms around Liam’s narrow shoulders, and pulled herself tight against her chest. She was out of breath, intoxicated by her lust, she ground against him without thinking, her mind in a haze.

Liam wasn’t really sure what was happening, so he just held himself still as she rotated her hips back and forth against him, at first it sounded like she was hyperventilating, but then she sucked in a huge breath and held it, then started to shake uncontrollably!

Kathy was a woman and Liam was a boy, yes, but in that moment none of that mattered. In that moment Kathy was a woman satisfying a need, and Liam was the vessel of that satisfaction.

Liam quickly wrapped his arms around the slim woman’s waist and held her up as her knees became weak. Finally, the shaking subsided and she stood under her own power again. Then Kathy kissed Liam on the neck, and again, and again each kiss getting closer to his face, she frantically kissed her way to his lips where she locked against him for what felt like a very long time. When she finally pulled back, he saw tears in her beautiful hazel-green eyes.

“Aunt Kathy?” Liam said, concerned that he’d hurt her. But she smiled down at him lovingly, “Yes Liam?” she asked in a sultry voice.

“Are… are you okay?” He asked and she chuckled, “Yes Liam… I’m okay.”

Kathy stepped back, having regained some of her composure, “You know Liam, you really ARE a very good kisser, and you learn quickly.”

Liam couldn’t help but beam proudly at the compliment, “Thank you! But I want to learn all the kissings!”

Kathy frowned, “What do you mean?”

Liam just shrugged, “Not all kissing is big and passionate right? Like sometimes people just relax and watch TV and kiss occasionally, right?”

Kathy nodded slowly, now that her lust had been at least temporarily satiated, she was thinking more clearly, and she sensed a trap, “Yes that’s true…” she said apprehensively, but Liam just turned and went into the living room.

The Image is entirely AI generated, just to show a less than perfect image of what Aunt Kathy looks like.

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By Dominos #Blackmail #Teen


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